It is my belief that one of the scariest things in life is simply the unknown. Never truly knowing what the future holds can be intimidating, nerve-racking, and ofttimes downright terrifying. By knowing exactly what to expect, the majority of fear may be removed from any situation. Whether it be knowing what the weather will be like tomorrow or what work you've got waiting on your desk, just knowing things like that make the future considerably less scary. Yet, everyone has a tipping point at which they are compelled to hurl themselves straight into the vast unknown; a point at which people have decided they've had enough of their day-to-day life and it's time for a change. It is at this point in life, at this fulcrum of a moment, when hope is introduced into the unknown and it becomes not-so-threatening.
This is precisely where I am. I have come to the realization that you cannot (and should not) continue to do something that does not make you happy. Stir that realization in with the unknown and a dash of hope and you've got yourself one intoxicating concoction. And that's exactly what I've been sipping on these days.
"Imagine that, Joe making a drink reference in his first blog post."
Coincidentally, I must say that I believe it is that in life which makes us want to drink that may also be what pushes us into the unknown. In a bitter-sweet fashion I am happy for these things. After all, it's good to know not only what you want to do with your life, but also what you do not want to do. The latter is something that I've had less than a hard time figuring out thanks to five years in the industry I've chosen thus far and the people in it.
This introductory post may ring of themes found in Rachael's previous posts - she has her own motivations and her own story to tell, so I will let her tell it - but this is mine and this is my perspective. I offer it to anyone who cares to read it. This is a slight glimpse into my life, what I have been and will be doing, and what my motivation is. Like two columns holding up the same bridge, Rachael and I are bearing this load together. We may not know all the details of where that bridge leads, but I can assure you it is a sturdy bridge and I could not be more excited that we've made the decision to build it together.
So to my friends, my family, my wife-to-be, both liked and disliked co-workers, to Cleveland and our future home in Denver, I raise my glass. Here's to you and here's to everything in life that makes us all strive for greater happiness.
Cheers baby!